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Happy Birthday to my pal, FlipFlapper!~ :3c

She also goes by Grandiflora X3c Which is pretty funny cuz there's a type of tree that exists called a Magnolia grandiflora~ XD haha but I just call her Flip (☞ ゚ ヮ ゚)☞

Anyways, here's Flip's half-devil paladin, Carmen, tied to her cool big sword that's stuck in the ground (with cloth padding on the blade to keep the ropes from getting cut against it and such :3c) and with some good good Devil's Food Cake as a lil gift from Leu~ ;3 hehe 

Flip's bday has already passed for her now since 2/17 is over where she lives XP But I hope ya had a great day anyways! ^      w ^/


Gonna announce the poll winners tonight as well, and also try to get the preliminary character poll for the bonus comic page thingy started up too! X3c Lots to do this week I'm hoping to get done! :0 haha but first i need some food~ = v=/ brb!~




Deliciously Devilish DiD Mag! (*^◯^*) And Happy birthday to Flip if you’re reading this! Such an awesome pic...love the sword idea too...but I would expect nothing less than fantastically cute new scenarios from you~


I love the fact that its Devil’s food cake~


This is very yummy in all senses of the word, lol! Also, love the devilishly alliteration there. :D