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So I tried to get this out for my friend Dio's bday yesterday the 8th, but I've been so busy with irl stuff and other stuff that I utterly failed uwa Dx But here's a sketch of his OC Susan getting the 'ol Spoopy Ghost Hands treatment!~ I'd really like to return to this some time soon to clean it up and tweak and get some color on it and such, but for now I hope you like it Diooo~ X3 Happy Belated Birthday!~
For those who don't know him, he's one of my first supporters on DA who's always been nothing but kind and supportive alllllll throughout these past few years~ He's even drawn my OC's on multiple occasions, so I wanted to at least do a lil something in return~ :3 And bdays are always a good opportunity to do so :P hehe

Anyways, wanna do some more work on some things that really need doing tonight so I'ma head back to it~ Fan art poll voting will hopefully start tomorrow as well! C'ya guyssss~




Jeffrey Beam

Dio’s very fortunate to have a friend like you mags


Another super duper cute draw...great job Mag! Oh and Dio, if you’re scrolling past my comment, Happy Birthday! Hope it was great! Lucky lewd boi (*´꒳`*)


I count my lucky stars each day. Despite her fandom, she'll still treat ya like you're her only watcher with the same love and respect.


Y-y-you d-drew this for me??? I just don't know what to say cept for THANK YOU!!! This was completely unexpected! You have no idea how much this boosted my spirits. In addition to getting bronchitis, an expected and unfortunate turn of events occurred just before my birthday that turned everything upside down (detailed in my da journal). This really put a smile on my face, Maggie! I'm very lucky to have known you since all this time. You're sweet, talented, and just such a joy to be around. <3 :)


Oooh, the spooky hands again, thank god heavens that we have those around~ It is very adorbs, im sure Dio appreciates it. (and Dio, hopefully you had a good birthday despite the unfortunate circumstances detailed in your DA post. 🎂) Posts like these sure lifts those spirits up... (^▽^)


Just for you!~ ^ w ^/ Hehe I'm so glad ya like it so far! And I just checked out your journal ; ~ ;/ I'm so sorry to hear about all of that... But I'm glad this was able to lift your spirits a bit! :3 That always makes doing art so so worth it~


The ghost hands strike again it seems. Kind of like the idea of these ghost hands being used for birthday pictures haha


This is a very nice chairtie~! And your OC cute Dio~!


Awww, thanks Maggie. The Spoopy ghost hands do have a way to put a smile on yer face! I legit cried, too, btw when I saw this drawing. :)