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Merry Christmas everyone!~ :3c Leuedai figured she'd put her ribbon traps (which we saw used in a different way last year XP) and her mistletoe to good use this year >:3c Poor Ella's just freaking out at the thought of giving the boi she loves a kissy X3c And Rev seems to be a bit oblivious to the romantic implications of the mistletoe... XD what a doof haha

I wanted to show another fun scenario of my OCs interacting with each other for this holiday :3c And I wound up with this! /// v// hehe anyways, I hope all 'o y'all have/had a wonderful Christmas! :3c
And thank you so much to all the patrons who are supporting me on here! ;       w   ;/ These past 6 months hav been absolutely incredible thanks to all of you! I have one more draw for ya today, and I'm doing something with this draw I've never done before X3c So I hope y'all like when I get it all posted up! ;   v ;/

Merry Christmas!!




Will they ever become a couple


Naughty Leu is naughty 😈 Merry Christmas, Magnolia


Thanks for all the great art this year Magnolia! Have a great Christmas!


You made happy this day for me, Magnolia! 😆 Awww... ❤️💕💖💞💓 I wish I could fall in a trap of Lewdai some day... with Hiromi! ❤️💕💖💞💓 Indeed, I wish Ella to be kissed by her crush. ❤️💕💖💞💓


Well, it was "bound" to happen sooner or later and I ain't complaining. Merry Christmas to you Mags~, to your Family and to everyone else. (´。• ω •。`)


Honestly one of the sweetest things you’ve ever drawn, this is so lovely. It’s really a double present for both us and maybe Ella in someways. I really love Lewdy Leu’s plan (〃ω〃) I hope sometime in the future we get conformation if Rev feels the same way Ella does...But poor Hana (ㆀ˘・з・˘) Either way thank you for an amazing year of art, I can’t wait to support you more in the new decade! Merry Christmas 🎁 And happy new year!


This is so sweet! Words cannot express how much I ship these two! I think it's cute how Rev is using logic to figure out this scenario. :D


/// v/// hehe thanks Imota!!~ And thank you for all your support!!! ; v ;/ Hope you hav a happy new year too!~


Heres An Idea for another time! After the incident with the mistletoe, Ella gets bold and asks Leuedai for help getting Revs attention on valentines day. Leuedai goes overboard and leaves a tightly Wrapped "Present" in her underwear for Rev to discover in his room.