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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here! (Still subject to edits and tweaks~ X3c)

As if out of nowhere, Rev appeared in front of Banshee and blocked her whip before she could extend it and attack Hiromi. All of the Kuro look on in stunned silence at the sight of their 'brother' and ex-Kuro teammate alive and well. But... he's fighting for the Omnivoyant now?? How will the Kuro handle this new knowledge? :O uwaaaaaaa


'Arc-en-ciel' family reunion!~  (/。   ◁゚)/  hehe I'm also showing that Rev used one of his lesser known abilities to appear in front of Banshee to block her attack~ It'll make more sense how he did it with the story text X3c ...which I'm still writing =      v   = haha writing's not really my strong suit... XP




oooh, ex family draaaama, this is gonna be interesting....




Rev revokes Banshee's whip-fast attempt at revenge! After such a reverberating reveal, will he be reviled by his former friends? Okay that's enough half-focused alliteration... Ah, Cross is the only one tearing up...after finishing that short comic you published on dA, no surprise but still great continuity. Love how the stand-out color of Rev and Banshee's clash is mainly restricted to the blue crackle of energy when her whip hits his arm (the robotic one?) Seriously every time I see one of these sketches I can't help but imagine the sound effects and shocked gasps in a scene such as this one. Is "Arc-en-ciel" supposed to be a pun, or a reference to Rev's old alliance with the Kuros? Stupid question probably but I'm burning to know what it means. And oooohh Rev's got some explaining to do...preferably while fighting his old friends. If I had to guess, maybe Banshee will revert her weapon to whip-form to trap him in the next sketch, forcing all four fighters into some epic CQC. As for your writing troubles...hey you're taking on something that challenges you, good on ya! I for one can't wait to see what the story text looks like when it's ready. Now we just need a proper soundtrack to view these sketches with...orrrr maybe that's just me.


XP Haha I enjoyed that revitalizing narrative and alliteration!~ (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ And yupyup that's his metal arm X0 "Arc-en-ciel" means rainbow in French, and is the name of their group when they were all together as kids :3c (He came up with that name cuz of everyone's eye colors making up a rainbow~) https://sta.sh/02emt4h1rodm Hehe and I would loooooove a soundtrack for the story XP