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Based on a bondage scene from the anime, I added a lil cleave geg and suggested that Rin's been doing something to deserve more ropes~ >      v  > hehehe tighter restraints incomiiiing~ 

This was a suggestion by Joe Dover who suggested I draw Rin Tohsaka (who I've been interested in drawing too XP), as well as a suggestion by Solomon Lehmanberg, who wanted to see any cute gril with a tight cleave gug~ >:3c   


This drawing can be viewed in full in August's Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kiyzb2xbsmsgjgu/AABEiNQAlSIiZIc6ThQmHGW1a?dl=0


First 'official' draw on the new tablet!~ (/ 。         ◁゚)/ woo!

But the actual first thing I drew on it was this:

(ㅇ         ▽     ꒪)



Joe Dover

Holy Balls, I didn’t know Christmas came in August ;0; Thank you so much! I love it so much ;w; (Is this the final product? Cuz looking at the description, a possiblity for a later scene of this picture maybe〜?)


I love it~! x3 How could they forget the gag in that scene~? D:


You really tend to make my least favorite gags the best looking, first the ball, now the cleave! (Of course you’ve done them in the past but this is your best) ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


Love this one <3 Nothing like an angry feisty girl all gagged and bound <3


Oh ye it's the final product X0 Wanna make sure I have time the rest of the month to do other draws!~ X3 Sorry if the description insinuated at a follow-up But thank ye!~ :3c I'm glad ya like it! Twas a good suggestion X3c hehe


Nice work! And yay to this being the first "official" drawing on your new tablet. \o/


What a great way to christening the new tablet! Can't go wrong with an angry grill! Can't wait to see how many more ropes they gonna add on the pile! Also, you make the sexiest, cleave gags :D


Daaannngg how tall is that chair? I mean, you did a great job here improving on the actual source material, particularly love the sort of Dutch tilt perspective you've got going on, as well as the contrast of the darkness on Rin's right and the lighter side to her left (suggests that she's caught in the middle of something, only literally instead of symbolically). And of course her cleave gag is a good touch; even though not a personal favorite, it does allow us to see more of a damsel's given expression...and mother of mercy but Rin looks quite peeved at being made speechless like this. Also that pun, you've done it yet again! Now I just wanna see a lil' animation of that face and hands you drew on your tablet 2.0 cackling maniacally, as if to say "Yes, and there's more where that came from!" Wait, what was I talking about? Lastly, great touch with the coil of rope drawn up close to the top right; based on Rin's expression and the direction of her angry glare, you can tell that this little spitfire may be down but she's certainly not out for the count!


"After I'm done with you, the world will know my true power, and TREMBLE BEFORE ME as I--are you still taking, seriously!?"


Rin's always a favorite! Love how you used the scene from the anime to inspire it too! :3


Wow! Looks great!


Hehe I gotta keep the puns goin'!~ >:3c And thank ya!~ :D Hehe Rin's certainly got her work cut out for her if she wants to get out of this! >X3


Lowkey I'm a fan of Rin in general but by far her personality is what stands out the most and imo it gives off that "gets-into-trouble-alot" vibe! Which is why I'm glad you drew her scene from Fate/stay night! The cleave gag is the icing on the cake for sure and fits it perfectly! Although I'm still a duct tape snob =w=


XP Hehe I feel like I've seen a couple stills from scenes where she's tied up on a chair~ She certainly gives off that vibe X3c I'm a duct tape snob too but I can't draw 'em all the time, even if I want to XD hehe


Oh no that's okay! I actually think it fits better than tape here :P