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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here!:

Leu and Cross face off once again, but what's this? Cross lowers her weapons first, and Leu lifts her beanie and looks at her face to see.. tears? What's on lil blue's mind? :0


Out of the three fights going on simultaneously, this one is the shortest as far as draws go XP Only taking this one drawing to depict as opposed to two draws the others take~ That's cuz this draw has more dialogue than action, which brings me to something I wanted to talk about~

So I originally proposed fully finishing the five sketches from last month and including the story text with 'em, but doing those in addition to allllll the other draws for the month will probably end up killing me XP So what if I kept doing more of these sketches instead, but also included the story dialogue and text with 'em?~ Especially with the draws like this where you'll get the most out of reading the story too (we're starting to get into big story territory! >:3). That way, you'll also get to see the chapter unfold sooner, including the character sheets of the new characters coming in! :3c Downside is DA will get the story draws a lot later, but y'all on Patreon take priority~ :3c hehe

Anyways, lemme know what y'all think~ X3c



willl sargent

I don't know Mag, I can't deicide what you think is best for what makes you productive, just do whatever you think is easiest on you. Another thing I wanted to mention is you know how in a lot of franchises, the characters only interacts and fights with a few select members of the cast and they almost never interact or fight anyone outside their circle? What I mean is, it might get repetitive if only Hiromi and Banshee fight, and only Leu and Cross fight. It would be interesting to it mixed up a bit, to explore how a fight between Hiromi and cross might go, or Addie and Leu against Banshee. But this your child, your story, its just a thought I had. I support anything you do!


Don’t fret about how long it takes to finish or how short pages are, we understand it’s hard to balance life and art, we’ll support you no matter what so take sometime for yourself because you definitely aren’t failing us! Love the new pages, beautiful as always mag!


XP There's story reasons why I chose these characters for each fight, but I know what you mean. We did get Leu vs Banshee in the past tho~ X3c


The Kuro's seem woefully unprepared for this fight.


You have been doing a MAGNOLIAficent job with your patreon since its inception and we all know you're passionate about this stuff so def don't worry about how long it'll take. We care about uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and want you to be happy too!!!!!!


I see the puns are stronger than ever, dio~, flawless pun-a-tory to you... (I am doing good?)


The main questionino, mag-a-roo~, I'll make it short, do what feels appropriate. If wanting for an opinion, I don't mind seeing the action unfold with (・□・;)moments. The sketches are fine because the main details are apparent (although it has taken me a minute to distinguish that the pic is depicted outside… *sigh* good job eyes and brain) and to be honest when you said fully finish them and then continue with other pieces… stappppp~, you don’t need the exhaust yourself. No need for 100% completion girl on everything although I don’t think the words alone will stop you….. I think that is all, trying to keep it short… a bit like the “fight” in the pic and hmmmmmm… Interesting 🤔. Here is more cake~ 🎂


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Can never say no to cake!~ And ye when I get the story text to go with it, the color-less sketches'll be easier to understand~ It's a bad habit of mine to try and go completionist mode... = v =/ Need to take it easy haha but thanks for the words and encouragement!~


I can't be the only one who now wants Cross's in-universe nickname to be "Lil' Blue"...I can just imagine her teammates using that moniker to jokingly tease her. Seriously though, I really like this action-less scene between her and Leu; it provides a sort of breather moment between the action-packed scenes of earlier sketches, making us wonder at the situation and get more interested in these characters and their motivations... More sketches sounds good to me, I remember looking forward to learning more about the OmniVerse since I first saw your OC pics on dA, so getting to see dialogue and prose for these sketches is a sort of long-realized dream come true (obviously more so for you, since this story is yours to tell as you will). Don't worry about not finishing these pics now; like with WossaRem's sketches, your "unfinished" art is always so detailed and emblematic of your fiery artistic talent that it doesn't matter if it's just line art, sketches, or base colors: the quality is clearly tops, along with the narrative you're constructing with it. Dang I am LATE with this comment, whoops.


XD I actually call her 'Bluberry'/'Lil Bluberry', so it'd be fun to hav her team use it too! Fox already uses 'Smiley' on occasion too X3 And thank youuuuuu :3c We're starting to get into big story territory like I said in the description, so I'm getting really excited to start sharing more of the secrets of the world I've been keeping for so looooong XD haha