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'Glamorous'... 'GAL-am-AR-ous'?~ Oml it's hard to make a pun out of the Galar region's name... /=     -  =\ uwa

Lil sketch before I call it for the night~ =           v      =/ need slep... haha

I'm so late to the party when it comes to drawing the new Pokegrils who've been popular on the Twitters and the Interwebs and such XP I've wanted to at least sketch 'em for a long time, so I'm fixin' that real quick X3 with the inclusion of the recently revealied Marnie! Left to right: Sonia, Nessa, Bea, Marnie~

May finish this tomorrow or some time soon, but for now I need slep XP

But before I go, YOU GUYS WE HIT THE SECOND GOAL!!! \O               0         O/ Holy carp y'all are amazing!!! I haven't even finished the bonus draw of Lucy from the first goal yet!! XP (I'm going to soon don't worry~ ;3c) But now I gotta plan for the next bonus draw too~ >:3c Probably gonna do something similar to Lucy, so we'll see what I come up with! X3 ... after I slep (_ =                 v      =)_ haha thank you so much guys! ;     w  ;/ 




These all look great! I wouldn't be opposed to more like this.


Better late than never Mag! And here's to a bright future full of cute grils, and lots of rope! 🥂 (and maybe even a few gropes for good measure! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ ) P.S. Hope that bonus pic is extra spicy >:3


A Gorgeous Galary, that's the best pun I can think of. Gril=super cute gal Slep: extra sleep that's required after making art (DiD or not!) Congrats on CRUSHING your second goal, 'Nolia! I hope you're not too surprised, this was practically to be expected at the rate of your artistic turnout and skill. I wonder what kind of DiD situation you'll create for its bonus draw (when you can). Maybe the robbers would decorate their latest damsel with a placard reading "$1,000!"; it would look like a ransom price, but we'd all know what the real reason is... As for who said bonus damsel would be, why not see who out of the four Poke gals in your post here is the most popular. Than the "winner" could become a the focus on your "bonus bondage" artwork for the second goal. Just a thought... Hope ya got some rest!


Cuz they're gals, and they're gorgeous! (* ゚∀゚)ノシ


I gotta give a shout-out to how Sonia and Nessa look upbeat and confident, while Bea just seems ready to totally defeat whoever her opponent is. And Marnie is...maybe trying to ignore the screaming fans behind her? (new girl blues, I suppose)...


Gals galore! And they all look so cute! Hope you got some good slep ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


Thanks Metal!~ :3c Pokegrils are fun to draw anyway, but SFW draws are a nice change of pace too! X3 hehe


; w ;/ Woooooo!! Thanks Edgy!~ XP (And I sure want it to be~ ( و•̀ ω •́)و Need to find another gril with good 'assets' tho > v > XD hahaha)


GALARy!!! That's so clever! XD Why didn't I think of that X3c And thank u Jaybee!~ :3 I need to really think about who I want for this one XP haha


Too many to choose from! ( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ) (I think I may have found the lewdest emoji. God help us)


Glad ya liked it! And good call making a pun out of different words in your two Poke Grils titles ("GAL-am-AR-ous" and "Poke GALs ARe Cute"). Talk about inspiring!


You get an A for effort for the pun! And congrats on surpassing the second goal! This isn't even your final form yet I suspect!!!