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Hey y'all!~ Here's just a notice to check if Patreon declined your charge for this new month. I got a few messages already saying that their charges got declined, possibly due to using prepaid cards? I did a little more research into it to see if I could help~

Seems Patreon doesn't accept prepaid cards for continued charges I guess. I think you can use prepaid cards with Paypal tho? But it may require you to link a bank account/credit card to your Paypal as well (in case of insufficient funds from the prepaid card they want another source to draw from)? Same goes for having funds in your Paypal alone. I suppose they want a more reliable and grounded source to charge to :0 like banks or CC's connected to them.

I may be wrong with all 'o that, but if you're having issues with prepaid cards, this Paypal way may be the only alternative X0 Try it out if you're able to, but if not, no biggie! I understand and appreciate your support all last month!~ Y'all can share any other information you have below for others to see too, and let me know if you're having issues and I can try to help ya!~ :3c

Regardless, thanks all for your support! Let's have a great August!~ :3c




Ya sounds about right to me. Prepaid cards are always a hassle when it comes to subscription services :/ Still though, 143 patrons ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at! The growth this month has still been insane!


Pretty sure you hit the ballgag on the mouth (instead of nail on the head, that just hurts)! I've yet to encounter an issue with my visa. Maybe you can help me with something. I've cooked way too much food for just one person. Maybe you can come over and help me eat it? 🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱


Well yeesh that's damn unfortunate. Rather intriguing that Paypal seems to be the only option when it comes to using prepaid cards (along with the account/card link), if that's the case...hmmm, and I have been getting a lot of emails from Paypal lately, but that's probably a totally unrelated coincidence. Thanks for posting this!


Thanks for the help mag! I got on today and my heart sank because I though my card declined (turns out patreon like you said is just being funky) thanks for the tip, all is good now!


Oh, look it is the return of the balloon... goddamn balloon .( ̄□ ̄」) It will be conquered. Anyways, hopefully the announcement was informative, always like the hot-line to technical support, hot-line cause it is a hot issues... I think my puns are worse~. I unfortunately is a sad pepperino~ that uses those. Even though i just had connected my PayPal with the pre-paid beforehand and use that payment method first... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I got rekted, In my opinion, I think that the payment method when being processed should be verified and denied at that moment if they are serious about not accepting those type of payment (Even though I think this issue is more than a year old now) Just relaying the situation regarding me, if it is to anyone's use... probably not ;/


Yeah, I have come to noticed and remembered, just wished there was a cheesy method of bypassing the problem, I don't think I has those 1337 hackerz skills though... (Maybe I need to receive a hand from Hana about it (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿))


Me neither :P Looks like things are working out though. That there number's gettin' bigger! 🤠


I know Patreon used to accept prepaid cards in the past~ Wonder what happened to make 'em change it 🤔 But sure thing!~ :3


= v =/ Maybe one day I'll get da balloon... haha Ye idk why Patreon let you do use that at first if they won't allow for continued use 🤔


; w ;/ Aww thank you!~ If you're ever low on funds I will never take it personally if you have to unpledge tho! Make sure you support yourself before me or any others~ But regardless, thank ya very much! :3c