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(/ 。 ◁ ゚)/ colorzss yee!~ 🎨


WIPs can be seen in the March-April 2024 Dropbox!~ Either in the Community Chat or on Discord!~




Zack Morris

Excited to see it finished, Mag! Keep up the amazing work!


you ever think about adding like a hand print or just a red spot on her ass from it getting smacked by her captors?


Looks fantastic! Do you think this'll be done by the end of the month?


I haven't actually considered it since Space Pirates generally have very claw-y hands T vT/ aha


Thank ye!~ And it doesn't look like I'll be able to finish within the next couple days X/ I was finishing up another project for the higher tiers in the meantime to give myself a bit of a rendering refresher before I tackled ZSS's rendering T vT/