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The space pirates have finally gotten Samus to her cell, and they seem to have used Samus's own Paralyzer on her in order to get her more secure before locking her in! :0c How's the hunted bounty hunter gonna wriggle her way out of this one..? > v>/


Finally getting things rolling on this sequel draw that ZSS won months agooooo T vT/ Like the previous part, there will be plenty of color alts and suchhhh so ye!~
And I actually forgot that this ZSS series started back in 2017 with this draw too! XDc


Sketch WIPs can be seen in the March-April 2024 Dropbox!~ Either in the Community Chat or on Discord!~





Angry Samus in strict bondage yet again? POIFECT 🙏


Ahhhh, as I said on Discord, your previous Samus piece is one of my all-time favorites from you, and this one looks primed (heh, METROID Primed ;P) to either meet or even surpass it. Super looking forward to the finished version!