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🥔🧣 Even more progress on this Ella remaster!~ X3c I now hav the clean line art and flat colors here ahhhhhhh~

Oki doke! Now for real the next thing is the Discord aha XP


Dropbox can be found in the 'OmniV Companion Dropbox' chat in the community tab!~



Jack Z

Noice >:3 Squishy taped wrapped potat is cutest potat -w-


I need her knight in shining*arm*or to save her again

Purple Paradox

Just in time Ella, thought I was going to fall for Tia again XD Amazing work Mag! Loving how this is coming along! (and speaking of Tia... if you ever draw her and Ella together, I might just lose my mind XD)

Shel Penel

i love ella! she's the most relatable of your oc's to me (including having that one friend who keeps wanting to kidnap and wrap me in duct tape, pls send help) glad to see her continue to get the love she deserves (even if its not the love she so much wants)


Honestly Mag, the difference to the original is insane. I mean the grade of improvement you had over the years is absolutely amazing. I already loved the original First Mission chapter but this remaster leaves me stunned. Fantastic work, it's breathtaking.


Classic cute OC deserves classic cute bondage! Her fault really for lookin so adorbs. Maybe the artist's fault too for drawing her that way!

Zack Morris

Amazing work, Mag!


Idk why, but it’s only with the clean flats that I’ve finally noticed how amazing the anatomy for Ella is here. Like, the way her body bends, curves and squishes as she’s lying on the ground is just epic. Not to mention everything else lol 🙏💯


XDc Ella to the rescue!~ ...or is she the one who needs rescuing..? ( 。 ω ゚) XP Haha thanks Paraaaa!~


; U ; Ahhh thank yaaa!~ It's been a long while since the original so it is pretty nice to see the difference now! T v T/


; V ;/ Hehe thanks Diooo!~ And AHHH I've been unintentionally making Ella more of a target ahhhhh! ; O ;/