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Ahoi~ ( ΰΈ‡γ…‡ Ο‰ κ’ͺ)ΰΈ‡ Im officially back from my month off now aha XP
Had some important family stuffs to attend to this past week T vT/ But now I can say I can return my focus to working on stuffs again!~
So here's a rundown on what's on me mind hereeeee:


So right now, my top priorities are getting my Substar and my Discord up and running soon~ We've unfortunately seen even more members of the DID community lose their Pats this past month due to Pat tightening the noose on our type of content... :/ It's only a matter of time before the Duck Pond gets hit too, I'm convinced by now that it's inevitable X0 So I'd like to get these other platforms running to help keep this ducc flock together when that time eventually comes. And when it happens, I hope you'll keep supporting me when we migrate fully to the Substar Duck Pond!~ ; v ;/ (actually, due to Substar being more lax on adult content maybe I can even start pushing my loodness envelope just a bit further over there too..? πŸ€” hmmmmm)
But I seriously appreciate all of your support here on Pat the past five years ; v ;7 You've all helped me out so much T v T/ πŸ¦†πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ Let's keep going at this current ducc pond as long as we can~

As far as draws go, next up of course is the sequel poll winner ZSS~ T v T/ I've had an idea in my head on how I'd like it all to look, and that's often one of the harder parts for me to figure out haha XP So I'm looking forward to giving it a go~
Plus, the higher-tier patrons may have seen some other stuffs I've been working on late-last month, so those are still on the docket as well~ Plus some other ideas I have written down now that we're entering the summertime X3c πŸ‘™

Also once again as a reminder, all dropboxes can now be found in the 'Community Chats'~

All previous dropbox posts should now also remind you of this change too~ If you're having issues accessing chats for some reason, send me a DM!~ For some reason Pat has been acting weird for some folks = H =/


But yeee that's the update for now I think!~
Thanks again for your support, y'all! ; v ;/ Let's keep moving forward~ πŸ₯🫢


daniel mariano

It's sad that Pat has got you so worried, but hopefully everything will be alright. All I can do is continue to support the pond wherever you go.

willl sargent

I'm glad you enjoyed your break. Also I'm pretty sure you'll be ok, but if not, I don't mind at all supporting you elsewhere. So... these other ideas you said you wrote down.. Could we get a hint?


The whole mess with Patreon is so frustrating the backstabbing scum but hopefully things go smoothly with setting up the alternatives