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Ahoi y'all!~

I know I'm on break rn but a security concern popped up so I'm gonna be closing all previous Dropbox links for now :0

Instead, I'll be moving them to the new Chat feature in the 'Community' tab~ Each tier will have their own Dropbox to find there once I get 'em all up and running~

Look for this icon/tab on your browser/app to find where their new location will be!~


Apologies if this causes any confusion in the near future ahhh T vT/ Since I hav guests over I can't rlly dedicate a whole lot of time to editing all the descriptions of previous posts and stuffs rn ; v ;/

Anyways! Gimme a sec to set things up in the chats 'n such ahhhhh thanks y'all! 🐥



It's understandable. Do what you feel is right


Can we go get breakfast now ? ∠( 。 ω ゚」∠)_

Jack Z

That’s a concern, thanks for the heads up Mags Hope it don’t cause too much issue :3


We're dropping dropbox? Duly noted!


Do what you gotta do, duck 🫡

Stowaway Mini

If this in Patreon or discord?


Makes sense. Do everything that you need to do! Hopefully you're having a good time with guests


Oh no. I don't know what sort of security issue happened, but I hope everything's okay! Thank you for the heads up.