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Mamma D teaches her daughters how to play with man-things.

Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were jealous of their mother, so she showed them how they could make babies of their own.

I hope you all enjoy some more of House Dimitrescu!

Poster Mirror 

All images are also available on my Archive




While the scenery is a bit irritating, the quality is as pleasant as always.


Thanks! Curious what you mean by the scenery being "irritating" though, like it's too busy or?


Oh no, I love busy scenes, because you can spend a lot of time analyzing all the small details (once again, we could hint towards Urb). I meant the design of the daughters in this case, While I'm normally a huge fan of sidecuts, the "half baldness" has an interesting defeminizing effect, mostly on the daughter on the very right of the image. But that is either way just my personal taste, not a technical fault, so no worries in that regard.


Ah I get ya. Yeah it's not the most appealing look, especially with the wounds on their heads from their creation, but I am always a stickler for making sure I stay as true to the source materials as I can when making art. Feel free to blame the concept artists for RE Village, haha. At least it's just oddly-shaved heads rather than actual balding.


As someone fully supporting the idea of staying as close to the source material as possible (makes the whole thing more appealing and believable imo) I am glad to see you share this interest. Already looking forward to seeing your next piece!