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As the sun started to set behind the mountaintops of the lonely planet, Celleste dinner preparations were well underway. She had had a pleasant day so far, considering her size had become a bit of a nuisance on everyday tasks. Still, she made the most out of every little thing.

On that particular day, the little ones had been quite more active than usual, and she felt increasing pressure on her lower back. With the due date only just a few more days away, she felt confident this was her body getting ready to bring her children into the galaxy. Besides, a big, healthy dinner would certainly help calm the hungry little critters.

Just when everything was going well, the unthinkable happened - her cooking spon had slipped her hand and now lay on the floor. Faced with this near-impossible task, Celleste bent down carefully filled with determination. She reached as far as possible with her left arm without losing balance, but the spoon was just out of reach. It didn’t help the little ones had been disturbed by the uncomfortable position their mother had assumed and shifted around the tightly packed womb.

After a few more tries, it was clear there was no getting back the spoon. The floor had claimed another object. Celleste had admitted defeat, and carefully stood back up and continued the preparation for her delicious dinner. She would come back to it once her womb wouldn't be able to get in her way in a few more days...




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