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Right beside the giant womb, Sar-13 caressed her mother's stretched skin. She could feel her siblings sloshing around the tightly packed space. Being the firstborn of a driven woman was not easy for her, but she assisted her mother in every way possible - even if she was no scientist. And just like her mother, she was well into a pregnancy of her own. However, she had a greater task than the imminent arrival of her siblings, or her own child for that fact. She needed to continue her mother’s legacy and show the world the miracle of her sacrifice.




Anime Veiwer

Great angles! 👌👌👌

Chris Wreker

What's the story of Sar-13 and her "mother"?


Sianne is Sar-13’s mother. You can read a little about it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sianne-first-wip-89381009