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Mitsuko was deeply focused on her schoolwork on a rainy afternoon when a wave of discomfort struck her body. Bulges formed around her belly as the babies got squeezed together. She had experienced Braxton Hicks for the last few days, but not as intense. The reality of her situation quickly sunk in. Unfortunately for her, her husband was out, so there would be no immediate help. 

Any attempt to get out of bed was futile, as her baby weight had practically pinned her down. All she was able to do was wait and push through each contraction. Despite the many difficulties the pregnancy had presented for her, she had come to cherish how she managed to grow so many lives inside of her. However, these lives wouldn't remain inside for much longer...




A LoLo

Can we get more of her ? Possibly bigger?

Hugo Arenales

Hey Silent! I was checking this draw that is amazing, but I think it is not om the Mega link, it is possible to add it to the link?


Hey! It seems I somehow missed uploading these pictures to the archive. I’ll get them up there as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know!