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Which outfit should Alexia wear for her presentation?

Here's the related post: Interrupted Presentation - Exclusive WIP Preview | Silent-Artist97 on Patreon




Business suit


I must agree with Jorrut. Going with the "presenting her thesis" mentioned in comment, I feel like she would be dressed bit more fancy than the two options you presented. Something like a pan suit or button-up/tight pants?


The two piece outfit but bring the skirt down just a little so her bellybutton is showing

Chris Wreker

I definitely say should be wearing a businesswoman type of clothing.

A LoLo

Also not trynna bash or anything cuz i love your work but her hairstyle makes it look like she has no eyebrows unless you zoom in lol


A sweater like shown in the preview


Lol, yeah. Her bangs cover up her forehead a bit too much 😅