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Hey there!

I can't believe January has already gone by. But that also means there's a new wave of bellies coming your way!

The Plan:

  • Weekly - Quickies - A newly remastered Quickie every week.
  • Week 3 - Public Upload - Hank relieves Leah from her baby weight.
  • Week 4 - Exclusive - Alexia gives a presentation while experiencing contractions.

The Details:

  • Public Upload (Preview) - For this entry, Hank temporarily releases Leah from all the baby weight she's had to carry around, in the trendy but kind action of holding up her pregnant gut. It's almost like he's had some previous practice or something... 😉
  • Quickies - I've been working on a new, faster way of producing Quickies while also keeping a high level of quality and realism. The answer? Portrait Pin-ups! And to prove the effectiveness of this new style, I've remastered some older Quickies that I'll be uploading weekly throughout this month. Hope you like them! 😁
  • Exclusive Image - Alexia had prepared for weeks for the upcoming end-of-term presentation in front of her entire Chemistry class. What she didn't prepare for though, was the sudden contractions of her massive gut. Was she experiencing Braxton Hicks? Or would she suddenly find herself having a Natmergency?
  • Alternate Angles - These are still expected to be available on the same day or a few days after the main release of the Public and Exclusive entries. 📷

Thanks for your support!



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