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So, No-Nut November huh? 🤔

How about Nut-All-Of-The-Way November? That has a better ring to it 😈

Whether you agree or not, the characters featured this month won't be holding back 😜💦

Here's the current plan:

  • WIP Preview - To start off the month, the DA upload will feature Hank and Hannah "getting it on" while Hannah is in a virtual meeting. Work ain't putting a stop to "fun" for these two!
  • Quickie - For this entry, I will be remaking an older entry. Which one? You decide! Vote here: Quickie Vote - November Entry | Silent-Artist97 on Patreon
  • Exclusive Image - Because a certain someone forgot to create a poll last month (😅), I had to pick a suggestion from the idea box myself, hehe. So, for this month's exclusive, Alexia dreams that Claudia is heavily pregnant too, and both decide to break the news in a special stream! If you'd like to pitch your own idea for the next exclusive, check out this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/idea-box-now-61300761
  • Alternate Angles - These are still expected to be available on the same day or a few days after the main release for all entries. 📷


As always, I appreciate your support. Take care and stay safe!



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