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In the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, we visit one where Paula works as a private Layer and is currently defending a man who has been "falsely" accused of fathering septuplets, as conceiving multiples have become part of the natural cycle and many fear the monetary implications of parenthood. Is there enough evidence to drop the case before the trial? Well, Paula seems to have some tricks up her sleeve. 

As always, let me know what you think!





Not a fan of the skirt. Maybe giver her pants and a button up short that barely covers the top third of her belly?


I'm inclined to agree with Durahn, the skirt doesn't read right. It comes across more like Spandex/workout shorts.


Thanks for the feedback! I was trying things out with the skirt and wanted to know your opinion. Not sure what I can do for the top, but I'll certainly change her bottom.


Agreed! I was just trying it out, but I'll certainly change it for something else.