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The flutter of pearly white wings sounded softly in this desolate place. A cherubic face gazed upon the smoldering ruins of the formerly vibrant city below her. Echoes of what happened here pulled at her soul. It was almost too much to bear. Her bright turquoise eyes gazed upon the scene below her.

From underneath where she hovered, one could appreciate the tight, form-fitting semi-sheer robe clung to her exquisite body – every inch of her curves was on display for all who could gaze upon the majestic being. Gold wrapped around her arms, accentuating her beautiful form. Her lithe, firm body was an absolute marvel to behold. Naked, full breasts that pressed against the ethereal material. Her modesty had been protected only by a pure white pair of panties that housed her sensual sex. But there were no living eyes to take in her heavenly form, they had all been killed.

These people’s cries of agony replaced by unsettling silence. In an instant. An entire civilization had been wiped out.

Tears formed in her eyes. Scenes like this had become increasingly common. The celestial being struggled to understand what was happening to the world that she loved so dearly. Man had seemingly grown more angry, more violent. The landscape underneath smoldered with destruction. Ruined bodies and charred bones dotted the center of this once-splendid city. Broken homes and shattered buildings lined this place. For a moment, she wondered if she could even walk upon the ground beneath her.

Looking for the strength to accomplish her mission, Angela gently touched the precious jewel that she wore around her neck. Embedded with an ornate necklace design, it radiated power. A soft, oscillating glow began to shine from the stone. It filled her with purpose, with hope.

Her attention now away from the death and sadness of this place, the angel didn’t recoil as her feet touched down on the ground. The crunch of dirt as she walked was the only source of sound anywhere around taking stock of this place. The scale of loss was profound, far beyond her normal power. The jewel began to glow brighter.

Still, there had been several souls, important souls lost here today. Their destiny was not to be erased and lost to the sands of time. Her appearance here was indicative of that. Her kind sought to rectify the wrongful loss of truly innocent life. It was a task that she had completed many times before, but even she couldn’t imagine how profound of an effect this place would have upon her.

Now in the center of this place, her feet touched upon broken, tiled cobblestone. She looked upon a destroyed statue that had once been erected to honor another of her kind – another celestial who looked over this place many years previously. Angela closed her eyes and began to pray. She spoke softly in reverie, honoring those whose lives were lost this day. The ornate jewel around her neck shone brilliantly now – each word she spoke only enhanced the gem’s power.

The ancient being opened her eyes and bathed in the glow of her precious artifact. It was as much a part of her as she was a part of it. Angela no longer saw the world in the devastation that surrounded her. Her brilliantly blue eyes now glowed purple, and she witnessed this place a new light. This place had the potential for resurrection…for rebirth, and she would set things right. She had to try.

Through her new eyes, Angela was able to see the innocent souls that had been left behind. Even if their bodies had been unceremoniously and callously destroyed, these spirits sought salvation, craved some sort of recompense. She would grant them this chance, lest they became ghoulish apparitions that would only further scar this place.

What she had not counted on was the fact that there were so many of them. Angela looked around and saw them coming. She had become a beacon, a holy vessel which called out to those lost.

Angela gently touched the glowing spirit, it’s form was one of shimmering gold. She nodded and felt the warmth of the recently departed. She opened her arms as if to embrace the entity. Angela softly sighed and felt it press into her body. Her flesh now served as a conduit for a new beginning.

Her pure, fertile womb accepted this spirit. Welcomed it for the chance to be reborn through her own body. Angela felt the tingle spread from the deepest part of her core and recognized the familiar sensation of new life taking hold. Real hormones flooded from her uterus and flushed through her body.

One by one, they souls found her and pressed their way inside of her, impregnating her. While it was true that she had performed this sacred act before, she never grew tired of the way it made her feel. Angela moaned in pleasure and felt her body slowly change.

Angela’s light pink nipples hardened and darkened with her pregnancy. Her body embraced motherhood with an eagerness, a pent-up desire. The angel’s thin abdomen began to grow forward from her body with the very real fetal development of the new lives gestating inside of her. These special lives touched by destiny would find a new place, a new role within her. Moment by moment, her belly swelled with them.

Rounder and heavier she grew. Her navel pressed outward from her abdomen even as she eclipsed full-term with a single child, she hummed and welcomed the special power to take hold and allow these lives to continue to grow within her. Part of her yearned for this, she craved it. Unable to have children of her own, this was the closest she could ever become to being a mother.

Part of her would have absorbed every soul she could find and let them take root within her. The part of her that yearned for that maternal connection that she could never have. Each time she took part in this sacred ceremony, she pushed herself further. Every time she let the new lives grow a little bit bigger, wanting to savor as much as she could before heading back to paradise to transfer these babies to the mothers around the world who prayed to her and her kind.

Angela felt the weight of these babies. She opened her eyes and stood in awe of how big she had already become. She bit her lip and rubbed her burgeoning orb. She already was far overdue with two of not three babies. Her perfectly round belly pushed through her gown, so much so that she decided to take it off and revel in her naked fecundity. She ran her hands along her growing belly and moaned in pleasure. It was so intense; she’d never let herself get this big before.

Had she misjudged just how much life was lost here? Had she let herself get carried away with this ritual? Perhaps a little of both, but still she pressed on, growing round and bigger with each passing moment. There was a bit more than a growing bond with these new lives. Even if she incubated these spirits and her holy womb granted them real bodies within her, hormones flooded her body. The arousal she felt was very real, and her shaven sex glistened with pleasure of being so full of life. She blurred the line between her duty and personal pleasure in what was happening to her.

The hedonistic nature of what she experienced began to take its toll on her. Appearing now overdue with four babies, she groaned and stopped the power of her jewel. The angelic being was truly massive. Heavy and huge from any and all vantage points. Her legs had a difficult time supporting her overripen roundness as it had pushed out so far from her body, her naked tits sat atop her glorious sphere. Two things happened in sequence that she hadn’t counted on.

First, her belly continued to expand. Her eyes widened in wonder and confusion. Angela had stopped the connection with the spirit world. Her eyes had returned to their beautiful turquoise, but still the multitude of lives she carried grew within her. Second, she felt something she’d never experienced before.

A kick. And then another one. And then there was a cascading ripple effect all around her majestically swollen orb. Angela rubbed her growing abdomen and soothed the babies within. But with so many, it would be nigh impossible to stop them all.

The realization of her situation was now apparent too her. She’d gone too far this time. Angela tried to flap her wings so that she could return home to paradise, but she struggled with the increased weight of her pregnant belly. Her abdomen’s swollen girth was growing more profound with each passing minute. The mystical power of her jewel granted her body the ability to absorb innocent souls and gestate them into a corporeal form. It was Angela’s joy and…desire to cultivate this life once reincarnated that dramatically increased the fetal growth of these now very living babies moving in her overstuffed womb.

Sweat formed on her brow as she lifted into the air. Angela hadn’t flown all of the way here, but she would need to reach a certain altitude to be able to teleport home. Her magnificent wings shimmered in the morning sun. Higher and higher she climbed; she was nearly there…almost home…

That was when she had a massive growth spurt. She cried out in surprise and looked down at her large belly and felt it grow even bigger. Her roundness was incredible, improbable. She couldn’t believe how big she was growing. It was…

…too much. She could not keep herself in flight and struggled to avoid crashing back down to the ground below.

Angela moaned. The lives within her had reached their third trimester of development, which was when they would grow the most. She was well beyond the time in which her kind would transport these babies to their new earthbound, mortal mothers.

It took all her skill and coordination, but she landed – semi-gracefully. Mercifully, her growth ceased in its entirety. Angela was breathtaking. Beyond her angelic beauty was a raw femininity, fecundity, and fertility. Her body had strained far beyond any mortal pregnancy. She herself appeared as if she could fit inside of her belly. Angela was ready to pop was many babies, several times over.

Her soft sighs filled the air around her. Pressure was building within her body. Her massive belly grew hard and then softened. It pulsed with not only life, but also impending birth. A flash of concern crossed her delicate features. Her virginal sex had never known a man, how could she be expected to birth such a large brood within her?

Angela tried to formulate a plan, but her body strained with the weight she carried. Deciding that the best course of action was to rest, she sat on the hard stones beneath her even as her celestial cervix continued to soften. Alternating sensations tickled her senses…contractions, movement, pleasure, pain. It was occurring faster and more intense.

How much time did she have? She used what strength she had left to lift her shapely rear and shimmy down her panties. The pregnant angel was far beyond being able to either move her underwear with her reach alone. Her naked pussy had the telltale sign of pregnancy indeed. It had become swollen and engorged along with most of the rest of her. She realized how pointless her activity would have been – she couldn’t have reached over her enormous belly to see how dilated she was.

Perhaps she could use her jewel to communicate with her fellow kind. It had aided her in times of crisis in the past. She held the purple gem in her hands even while a powerful contraction gripped her. Angela gritted her teeth and pushed back against the intense sensation. She had done this a couple of times after she’d sat down on the ground and found that it helped.

The relief was intoxicating. Her body was reacting the way it was supposed to. She cooed and watched several babies move and kick inside of her. She reached behind her and continued to push back against the vice-like grip across her massive uterus. She knew she should stop, that she needed to call for help, but it just felt so…

…right. A soft pop sounded from underneath her.

Angela felt a rush of sudden warmth. A sensation that was unlike anything she’d truly experienced before. More of it came after a few moments, it flooded the immediate area around her.

It seemed that the situation had escalated…and in more ways than one. The angel’s plan to get back and transfer these babies or even stave off their birth had passed.

The hyperpregnant being would have no choice other than to bring these lives into the world herself.


Gymbo has once again graced us with his craft in this excellent short story. If you'd like to read more stories by this talented man, check out his DA page right here: https://www.deviantart.com/gymbo

April 2021 Exclusive.


You can download this image using the latest Mid-Term rewards link.



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