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As the creature gained more control over the new state of its body and the returning sting of a strong contraction, a figure emerges from the dark hallway. At first unrecognizable, the metallic guardian and the newborn stood in defense of their master, but as the figure got closer a familiar face stood out to Eiras.

“So this is what you have been up to all along. It wasn’t easy to track you down.” - said the uninvited guest - “But I should have known better, especially after what you did to her”.

“You all deserve that and more after what happened all those years ago.” - Erias answered mid contraction, griding her teeth. - “Just you wait until my little sweethearts are all grown up. I will no longer be weak…!” - a wave of pain made her groan as her stomach stirred with the now impatient unborn.

“I regret doing what I did and you know that. Yet you’ve decided to follow this path. You know what happens next.” - said the familiar voice as it pulled out its weapon.

“Not on my watch.” - replied the metallic frame with its synthetic voice as it pointed its gun.

“If that’s how it’s going to be, then you leave me no choice, sis.”



...for now...


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