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Time for a new poll! For this one, we'll use the same Google form as before but with a small change. Because I wouldn't like the same character to win two times in a row, the winning character from last month (in this case, Hannah) has been encased inside brackets "[ ]". This means that any votes for the character inside the "[ ]" will not be counted. The character will be available to be selected again every two monthly poll cycles.

In case you are new to this, here's how it works:

  • Access the Google form here: https://forms.gle/rjoBKEkpfawsYrvm8
  • Select the character you want to be featured and submit (votes for characters inside "[]" will not be counted)
  • Come back to this poll and select that you voted
  • Done!

Quick and simple! No need to be logged in to an account to vote, so it's completely anonymous.


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