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  Here's what's going on this week:    

  • The Patreon exclusive image for July is expected to be available for preview later this week.
  • An image featuring Natalie will be uploaded this Friday as part of the early access reward.
  • The second stage of this month's Patreon exclusive poll will start on Friday. Don't forget to vote on the first stage! https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2019-poll-29244850 
  • We've hit the $300 per month goal! Thank you for making this happen! This means that a new comic will be created exclusively for Patreon where you'll help me decide the characters and the story. Now, because my focus is on the development of NoI at the moment, the creation of this exclusive of this comic will take place at a later date, but it will happen at some point.

 That's all for now. Again, thank you for your support!   


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