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Okay, this is something I've been thinking for a while. As you already know, one of the rewards that is part of the tier you selected to support me includes access to my private Discord, where I've been uploading previews for WIP projects for us to discus ideas and improvements. Even though there are 30+ Patrons with access to this reward (btw, thank you for that), only 10 or so Patrons have joined the server. Now, I know there can be various reasons for this (which I will not judge, of course), but it means that 20 or so Patrons are not taking part of one of the main benefits of the tier.

So, in order to allow everyone to enjoy from this reward as much as posible, I've been debating the idea of also uploading the previews here on Patreon. This can potentially split those who are already on Discord  on where to leave feedback, so I'm really not sure how to procede. This is where you come in. I'd like to know what would be best you. So please, be sure to cast your vote.

Thank you for your amazing support!




I guess as someone who uses Discord regularly, I echo SA’s question. Why not join the server? I believe SA put it in place in order to interact more with us. It’s a nice bonus feature for sure.