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Hello again! SA here for another weekly update... thing.

This week I'm debating with myself on how to call this weekly post (there's another name for it, haha). I'm thinking weekly feed or weekly update, as they are more fitting to the kind of information that is being shared, and because plans not always go as... well... planned. Be sure to let me know in the comments how you think I should call this posts.

Aside from that, this will be yet another busy IRL week for me (but because this seems like it will be the norm for this semester, I will stop saying it so I don't constantly repeat myself/bore you to death with my busyness. Though I'm doing that right now... I'll stop).

Okay, on to the good stuff now. I've finalized the next entry for Chloe and it's now ready to fully render. Also, I've made some progrees on that "new styled girl". I should be able to show the concept at my discord sometime between this and next week.

That's all for now. Thank you for your support!



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