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Alright, I have a couple of important things to announce, so let's go one by one.

Goal reached!

We've reached the $150 per month goal, and it's all thanks to you! Thank you for going the extra mile to support me and my art. I couldn't be more grateful :)

Next comic project.

This one is tied to the previous announcement, as reaching the goal would result in a new comic project. Now, I do have two big ideas for what the next comic can be, and I've decided to go with the re-imagining of "A Night of Impregnation". Long time $4 patrons know that the first preview page for this comic was teased a while back, but the project was "put on ice" shortly after. Well, I am now officially getting it out of that ice to start working on in again. Now, I don't have and ETA to when I'll exactly start working on it (because life, other projects and stuff like that), but know that I will be thinking on how to give it a new direction so it can be longer than the original release.

New upload schedule.

Last, but certainly not least, I've decided to modify my upload schedule by only making two monthly uploads to DA instead of four. This means that instead of creating and uploading a new image to DA every Friday, I will instead upload biweekly (every 2 Fridays). As much as I would love to be able to create something new to upload every week, the reality is that I'm barely able do it, and instead of feeling inspired to create something, it's reached a point were I feel forced to do it, which hasn't been pleasant at all. And adding the fact that I'm also a full time college student, it just makes it harder to keep up every single week.

On a more positive side, this change will allow me to have more time to work on new ideas, long term projects (like comics and short stories), commissions and give more polish to projects already in the works. I hope you can understand and support this decision, as it is ultimately for a greater good.

That's all I have to share with you for now. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write a comment :)

Thank you for your support!



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