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I hope you're all doing great! Here's the next WIP of the animation :)
This one took longer than expected, but it's mainly due to the difficulty of the last shots. I also did a lot of render tests during that phase, using an add-on I have purchased. The renders above and below are an example. I should be able to render a frame each 2 minutes, which is a good average. And there shouldn't be too many visual artifacts too. Rendering indoors can be a challenging task sometimes.

Good news, though, the first half of the animation is complete!! This part was the toughest, but the second half should be easier.

Also, I have planned to add a post-credit scene! The first version I had in mind was way too long, but I found another, shorter yet still efficient way to make it.
Spoilers : it will be a sort of foreshadowing ;)

Finally, I wanted to thank you all for the recent support! I'm very grateful and happy to have you around, even if I don't know any of you. It would be nice to chat with you if you wish so, on Discord or on the Community chat of Patreon.

Thank you again, and enjoy!


Lecture Session WIP5.mov



First HALF of the video. It's incredible, lol. With the updates and the discord, you're really cultivating a community for Anna. Great work as always!


If this is only the first half, I’m hoping he isn’t nearly done shrinking yet. I have never been more jealous of a fictional character.