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These are some thumbnail sketches for yet another new new painting. I have 3 paintings in the sketch/reference stage right now and the two revisit paintings that are basically done. A couple irons in the fire. 

This one is for a 3 piece series thing I'm doing though called "lose face"

There will be two paintings and the mask I did for the prompt last month in the middle. I might even do a painting of the mask. I'm not sure yet. 

These little sketches are going to be the male counterpart of this painting:

This was the initial spark of the idea for this series.

I painted this when I had covid last summer. It was part of the covid collection sessions. Now I'm fleshing out the idea a little more. 

I'm pretty much set to start painting the feminine version. I've done a bunch of sketches and taken some reference photos of my friend modeling.

I've been preparing the canvases for a few days. 

So now I'm starting to develop the male side.

I'm developing the pose, lighting and costuming. 

These sketches are the first pass.

Happy February 18th Everybody

I slept in today. It felt great. 

I had a bunch of ideas when I woke up. I wrote them all down.

The first memory I have of my grandma was her saying "hotcakes" instead of "pancakes." 

I told her that memory today. 

In one of my art classes we painting valentines. I already mentioned that. I made one for my grandma that said "I ❤️ Grandma" and gave it to her. She almost cried. 

My dog found a dead bird and was chewing on it. He got blood all over his face. 

I recorded one of my songs on guitar and sent it to a friend. 

My room is a mess. I need to take out the trash. 

Another storm is coming.

Have Fun

Goodnight Sweeties



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