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Here's a tour of the show from last weekend at the Dark art emporium. 

Such a cool group of artists and a great set up with the cave and everything. 

What's your favorite piece?

Happy February 7th Everyone

I ate breakfast burritos with my dad today. We talked mostly about work. 

We had a great talk. He gave me some good advice about how to come up with extra money each month. 

I told him about how one of my favorite details in the Sopranos is how Tony needs to remain an employee at the waste management company so that he can keep his W-2. 

My old roommate is a musician and one year we were both stressing over our taxes and decided that the whole system is designed to force you to work at Walmart. 

If you're self employed or make money as an independent contractor in the US there's so much more hassle in filing your taxes. But if you're an employee especially at some corporation, it's basically just taken care of. 

Sorry to my non US friends for talking about US taxes. Also sorry to everyone for bringing up taxes. I'll try and never bring it up again. But no promises because tax season is coming up and it always grinds me down.

The rain makes me tired and hungry. Like a bear going into hibernation. 

Have Fun

Goodnight Sweeties


The Forbidden Experiment of the Night Womb at the Dark Art Emporium


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