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Today I mostly just looked at it. I made small changes where I saw fit. But I spend hours mostly just looking. It’s kind of hard to think of it as “working on a painting” if you aren’t doing a lot of painting. Just sitting and looking. But looking is just as much a part of painting as painting.

I need to get hi res quality photos or a scan of this. Today my friend Jana hooked me up with her photographer friend. She’s done photos for museums before. She’s only available tomorrow morning.

So I really am trying to finish it tonight.

And trying to figure out a name. Any suggestions?

Happy January 16th everybody

Here’s a message someone sent me on Instagram:

Hey jerk your talent is being misappropriated by you doppelganger wake the hell up

This person’s Instagram name is their email address and they don’t have a profile picture.

I get messages and comments like this on Facebook and Instagram.

Today I got like 6 spam messages on Facebook saying something like “your account may be suspended…click this link”

I got a voicemail a few days ago from an old boss asking where to send me tax info. I keep forgetting to call them back,

Today I went to the pet store. I’m trying my cat out on some wet food.

She doesn’t eat enough so I’m trying to find food she likes.

I went to Michael’s. Bought a jar of varnish.

I went to the hardware store and bought a brush.

Then just looked at the painting.

I opened some books to look for titles for the painting. When I’m reading a book I like to underline phrases for titles.

I ate some ice cream.

My cat likes her new food.

Have fun,

Goodnight sweeties



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