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Very loose first color pass. Just wanted to add some color to everything at this point. It kind of flattens everything down a bit, so I'll have to go back in and bring the shadows and highlights back. 

From here on out that's what the process will consist of: Big layers of color, redefine the shadows, redefine the highlights. 

Color really changes the mood of a painting.

I've gotta come up with a name for this. 

Happy Jan 12th Everybody

Yesterday I got to work half an hour early on accident. 

Sometimes that happens when there's not the usual traffic. I typically scramble through my phone, trying to find something to do to fill the dead time. Respond to emails, or look for a podcast to listen to. Something productive or entertaining.

Yesterday I just watched this pretty yellow bird perched on a tree branch. Occasionally it would swoop down to the ground and eat a bug.

I ate McDonald's yesterday. I'm not proud of it. 

I've been reading The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian. He was a Jesuit from Spain. It's from the 1600s. 

My brother gave it to me for Christmas.

yesterday in class we painted a cute penguin wearing a coat.

Emma said hers killed someone.



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