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Still making the rounds with the gray scale. It's getting a little more detailed, a little more refined. Started adding some texture to places. The fabric on the figure in the very front is driving me a little crazy. I keep coming back to it and redoing it.  

Happy January 9th Everybody

I painted this all day. 

I also went to the grocery store. My drummer friend wasn't there today. 

I also practiced my Chopin piece on the guitar. I feel like I'm almost there with that one. Maybe I'll post a video of me playing it when I have it down. 

Not that any of you are here for my guitar playing. But I think if I post my self playing it enough I can write it off on my taxes. 

I've been listening to this Magritte biography while working on the painting. 

I'm at the part where he's had a falling out with the surrealist movement. 

The surrealist movement sounds really annoying to me. Pretentious. Ideological. Petty. Typical things that make a lot of groups of people annoying to me.

In theory they were all about liberation. And blurring the boundaries between imagination and reality, words and symbols, waking life and dreams. All that good stuff. But in practice they were just as rigid and dogmatic as any other group. But their dogmas were just more idiosyncratic.

Magritte had a falling out with them because Andre Breton called out his wife publicly for wearing a cross necklace to a party. He told her to take it off. She said she'd rather leave. Magritte followed her out. Letters were exchanged. 

Boring little dramas like that. Letters being exchanged.

The aspects of the book I like most are about the philosophy of art. Magritte's process of figuring out all those paintings that made him Magritte. 

He was a very thoughtful artist and articulated his inspiration and his motivations behind a lot of his work. So that's the stuff that's keeping me engaged.

The art history stuff is just kind of boring to me. It's political and gossipy.

Have Fun,

Goodnight Sweeties



Mallory Roseman

Is this the Danchev biography? Idk about guitar but I think you can def write a portion of your Audible membership off.

Tia Thistle

I enjoy listening to your music! I'm here for YOUR art! Music/guitar included!!! I agree with Mallory.... I think you would be able to write a portion of your audible memebership off!