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You all win! Here's the special prize for participating in my Bad Art Contest. An original song "Champions of Imperfection."

No one voted for anyone on the bad art contest post. Katrin commented and said that everyone who participated should win. I think everyone in the choir should win. Because we're all trying our best. We're exploring this magical world of art even though a lot of what we do doesn't work out the way we want. We keep going. 

And the prize is pretty terrible. My voice is terrible, my guitar playing is riddled with mistakes, but that's the point. It's better to make a bad song than no song at all. I've been holding on to this video for a few days because I'm embarrassed.

 But I'm putting it out there anyways.

I mean every word of it. The real winner is all the sweeties in the choir. 

I'm grateful to all of you for being here. I try my best to make it worth your while. 

Happy December 20th everyone

Another day of editing. Finished the Intro to Drawing Bad Art video. Just need to upload it and post it. I'm going to start editing the Art Life and Lives next.

I haven't showered in two days. So I'm about to go do that. When I get into these editing marathons I forget to shower and then I see myself in the mirror and shake my head.

One time I was on an editing bender, and I went to the store. The cashier was giving me the weirdest look. I saw myself in the mirror when I got home and it made sense.

I used to wear those glasses that block out the blue light from the computer. They look like sunglasses but they're orange. I had those sitting on top of my head AND my sunglasses on. 

My hair was a mess. My eyes all weird.

 I had been wearing the same t shirt for 2 days. Fred Flinstone yelling. For some reason it was tucked in.

I took a picture of what it looked like. I'll share it one of these days.

Last night I started listening to Tim Curry reading A Christmas Carol on audible. If you have audible, it's a free listen. I highly recomend it. 

I've always liked a Christmas Carol because it's a Christmas ghost story. But I've never actually read the book. The book really makes the ghost stuff eerie. 

There's a part after Marley appears to scrooge. All of these ghosts of lost souls are floating around outside and making 

"incoherent sounds of lamentation and regret. Whalings, inexpressibly sorrowful and self accusatory."

So heavy.

What a description. And Tim Curry's voice reading it is just so perfect.

Anyways. Into the bath I go.

Have fun

Goodnight Sweeties 


Champions of Imperfection



I know I'm new to the choir but I didn't see the results of the bad art contest, I thought it was a landscape of the mind due at the end of the month. Anyway, I really appreciate being with such talented artists and though I didn't take part, thanks Parker for our wonderful prize 🥲

Scum Choir

Glad to have you here Joanne. The bad art contest was last month's prompt. This month's prompt is the inner landscape. Due Dec. 31st.