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And I love it.

One thing I've noticed about drawing from life references like this is how I tend to over look the cast shadows on things. And then that makes me notice how important a cast shadow is to communicating the thing. 

You know what would be interesting? if I could figure out the technology of how to do it, live stream a drawing session of one of these.

Not a drawing session where you watch me draw it, but I just live stream video of the maquette thing and everyone draws it.

I should talk to to one of my art model friends about how to set up something like that. Many of them do life drawing sessions over zoom where there is like 3 or 4 different camera angels that the artist can choose to draw. 

I'm just spitballing here but imagine that. 4 different angels of one of these weird sculpture things and we're all drawing it together. Like a Choir. Like a Family.

Happy Dec. 3rd everybody.





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