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It was a tie. And I'm calling the tiebreaker and going with this one. Inner Landscapes.

The tie was between this and sculpt. and selfishly I wanted to do sculpt because I really want an excuse to do another sculpture. But I've been wanting to do inner landscapes for a while.

Choir member Katrin suggested it and I think it's such a good idea.

So what is an inner landscape? 

Well I kind of like how this article puts it.

But it's basically like depicting your mind or your emotions as a landscape. The image on the flyer for example is from 2017. I had been clean and sober for about 3 months and there was a point where I went to the parking lot of this bar I used to go to and parked at the far end and just stood there looking at the bar smoking a cigarette. 

I was frustrated about something in my life, and the thing that I had always done to blow off frustration, going to the bar, was unavailable to me. 

So it's kind of about slipping in to old ways, and frustration and all that. 

However, I will say, that I think the main figure in the front is telling a lot of that story for me. there is nothing wrong with using a figure (or many figures- you could think of Bosch's the garden of earthly delights as being inner landscape-ish) but the landscape should tell most of the story.

Sometimes they aren't as straight forward.

This one also has a deep personal meaning to me and represents my psyche in a way, although it's not as obvious. There's no figure there dripping with emotion.

But you could also do a Bob ross style landscape and make it more representative of your inner world with certain color choices, or the way a Tree is leaning, or the clouds. 

It's up to you.

The only rule is, it must be a landscape.

Submissions due December 31st (New Years Eve so plan accordingly)

Send them through the link 

or email them to scumchoir@gmail.com

Have Fun

Goodnight Sweeties



Scum Choir

I also gotta apologize for how sloppy this is written, I had a long day and I'm starving right now but I wanted to put this up before I ate dinner. If anything is unclear let me know in the comments.