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It's time for another sketchbook saturday. I checked into a motel recently. Just to get into a new environment and do some simple watercolor sketching. I was planning to post a video about that experience today. 

But while I was editing the video, a huge spider ran across the floor and it freaked me out. I stood up too fast to try and catch the spider to throw it outside. The external hard drive that I edit off of, bumped into something and got corrupted.

So I don't know what the ultimate damage of that is going to be. all of my work is on that drive. all of the images of my work, all the footage, project files, everything. I'm still figuring out if I can get the data back or if it's possible I'll even be able to afford to get the data back. There's a good chance I'll have to start from scratch. 

Because all of my footage for future videos were on that drive, I don't know how many videos I'll be putting out in the coming weeks. I just don't know. 

I made this video today for you. It's a sketchbook saturday. I talk about the hard drive disaster. I also talk about Cormac Mccarthy and No Country for Old Men which I've been reading. I also talk about buddhism and specifically the buddhist philosophies of contingency, fixation, and emptiness. I'm trying to embody some of those principles right now and see past the circumstances.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty stressed about this hard drive thing. Since making this video I've gotten quotes back from the data retrieval lab, and it's just going to be super expensive for me. I think about expenses in terms of paintings, and let's just say, Its twice the price of the most expensive painting I've ever sold. And even then, There's no guarantee I'll get everything back. 

I hesitated to even share this, because I hate venting. I hate feeling like I'm asking for sympathy or whatever. But it will probably affect the choir. I'm going to try and mitigate that affect of course. But the videos may be lagging for a little while.

All because of a spider. 


I lost a years worth of work+No Country For Old Men+Buddhism - Sketchbook Saturday June 2023


Mallory Roseman

If worse comes to worse, you can send the drive my way. My husband and I are both computer scientists and he works R&D for a national lab. Not saying anything would come out of it and idk the brand or etc. But we could see what we could do to help.

Scum Choir

Oh cool! I’m going to take it to another lab on Monday to get a see if they could do it cheaper. The read and write heads on the drive are broken. So my understanding is they’d just get whatever they could off the disk. But I’d definitely trade a painting for your services if it comes to that!

Tia Thistle

Oh no!! You must be absolutely devastated!!! I couldn’t imagine losing so much work in one little bump!!! Damn technology!! I really hope you can get your work recovered!! The Choir is here for ya! My fingers are crossed!!🤞🏻📂💽 Mallory, you are amazing soul to offer your help!!! Very kind of you!!!! 🖤💿💾