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This post is more of an update. I'll be very busy for the next few weeks.

I'm curating a trickster themed art show next month at the Hive

It's called "Trxtrwxrld" (trickster world.)

I don't have any art ready for the show so the image above is something I made in photoshop for the flyer.

I've been thinking about this show for at least a year. I got the idea from reading Lewis Hyde's book, "Trickster Makes This World." Which is all about Trickster Mythology and Trickster Figures in the context of artists.

It's a good book. Free on audible right now too. 

In mythology the trickster represents crossing boundaries, expanding perspectives. Cunning. The golden gray areas where things aren't good or evil.

Often in these stories trickster invents bait or traps (and also falls victim to bait and traps.) 

As Hyde writes, “Trickster is a creative idiot, therefore the wise fool, the grey-haired baby, the speaker of sacred profanities.”

The trickster is also driven by appetite and is also associated with waste, human waste and garbage.

The trickster turns garbage into gold and gold into garbage.

Trickster is the god of the lucky find, and the god that will hide your keys.

Trickster will give you good directions to your destination, or get you lost.


I suck at putting it into words right now so I'll led Lewis Hyde do it. I've been sharing this video with all the artists involved in the show.


But, in true trickster fashion, I wasn't really sure if this show was going to happen so I wasn't planning anything for it.

Then I realized that it was in fact still on, and that people were excited for it. so then I got excited for it.

So now I'm trying to put together a bunch of cool stuff for it.  

But before I can put together cool stuff for it I have to finish up some other projects.

Long story short I've been going non stop for the past 48 hours or so.

All that's to say, I'm doing a trickster show. And, that's why I haven't posted the monster submissions or announced the new prompt.

I just opened the monster submissions and it was just what I needed today honestly. They're all so cool

I was so happy to see them. It brought joy to my heart to see all your creepy little weird monsters.

Have fun

goodnight sweeties



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