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Congrats to the Winner!

This was an unknown movie for me! So it was a really interesting watch! One of the reasons why I love the spin!!! I enjoyed the clever way they told this story and commentary. Seems like it coulda been really controversial when it came out but I can see the dark humour in it all! Hope we can keep it respectable in the comments... don't wanna divide the patreon 😅

Love ya'll!





Wheel of Wonder Spin #7 "The Hunt"2020

Thanks for Watching!!!


Noell G

I screamed!! omfg I love this movie!!!

James Hadden

This was a fun rewatch, I’d forgotten how much silly humour was in this, which I especially like (nothing at MP’s Holy Grail level, but I’ll take it where I can). I don’t do FB, Twitter or Instagram so I could be mistaken but I’m pretty sure there was some controversy when this was released. The ironic part (??? I understand irony as well as Alanis Morissette 😁) was that the controversy reflected the exact theme of the movie - headlines along the lines of “a movie about liberals hunting rednecks for fun”. People just reacted to the headline with no context. Oh, and have you never made a compass before? 😁 (08:20 timestamp). Although to be fair, it appears the filmmakers mixed up static electricity with magnetism.