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Based on some great feedback I've received, I've decided to revamp the nomination structure to make it more fair. Now, each person gets 1 nom. I've attached a spreadsheet here to make the process smoother. I've listed the movies I've already seen to help you choose your top nomination. If your top choice is one I've seen before that you really want me to watch, I'll re-watch it. When submitting your nomination on the spreadsheet, please provide:

Your Name/Handle & 1 Nomination


If you win, you will be able to add another nomination.

I'm excited to see your top picks!




Saturday Night Beaver

Hi Ames, JM63 included a YT link to the movie he recommended in your spreadsheet, mind if I do the same as it's also currently on YT for anyone who's interested?

Spooky Dooky

K hope I'm not too late...

Hold Down A

Haven’t done the first spin yet! Giving peeps time! But more chance to win if not as many peeps sign up!