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The next movie from my “Runner, Runner Up” themed week!! And yes I missed Aaron Sorkin’s cameo… I was probably talking!

I enjoyed this movie! A few nitpicks but overall I liked it! It is one of those Classic 90s movies!just everything about it, music, style etc! It isn’t my fave Tom Cruise movie, but I still have a few more of his I gotta watch!!! Great cast and I still need to watch a lot more from Jack!

I got lil sassy in the end when I looked up what this was classified under…😝😛😘


Thanks so much for being here!!!




"A Few Good Men" (1992) Watch Along


John Courtright

I enjoyed watching this one again with you, Ames! It was a bit campy at times, but I thought the characters played off of one another really well. The witty repartee was classic Sorkin! This time around, I especially got a kick out of Kevin Pollak as Sam Weinberg. 🤣 Kaffee: I'm lead counsel. This is Sam Weinberg. Sam: I have no responsibilities here whatsoever. Sam: [while walking his daughter] You've heard her. The girl sat here, pointed and said, "Pa." She did. She said, "Pa." Kaffee: She was pointing at a mailbox, Sam. Sam: That's right. She was pointing as if to say, "Pa, look, a mailbox." Sam: Lt. Kaffee is considered to be the best litigator in our office. He successfully plea-bargained 44 cases in nine months Kaffee: One more, I get a set of steak knives

Tic Toc Melody

I love Kevin Pollack in this movie, ha! There are two videos of Kevin Pollock being interviewed by Rich Eisen about this movie, both are freaking hilarious, definitely check those out, bro, you will be cackling your face off. He has a hilarious riff about why Jessup singles him out in the courtroom. And that deadpan line delivery: "I have no responsibilities here whatsoever", classic. (There is another video of Pollak talking about Don Rickles and De Niro in Casino). **** - But John, the real reason I'm writing is....I saw half of YOUR pick last night, over at a friend's house! I'm dying to finish it, and rooting for it to win! Great story, hooked me in right away! (You MUST be a Close Encounters fan, right? :D) Also, I'm not sure if it was you, but on the chat the other day, did you list All The President's Men as one of the movies on the AFI list you're most looking forward to? If so: me too! That will be a damn good one! I just saw a second reaction for it yesterday, and I can't believe what a great reaction video that movie makes! I have always "re-litigated" the 1976 Oscars in my head, and am looking forward to her hitting that one, "Network" and "Rocky", just to hear what she would have picked for Best Picture (adding Taxi Driver to the mix). What would YOU have picked, I wonder? Rocky, Network, All The President's Men or Taxi Driver. (or Bound For Glory. But that one is not on the AFI list).

Marty McGee

Our local community theater did this play after the movie came out. It was fantastic as a stage production. Cruise and Nicholson do that last scene so well, but the writing of this story is what really shines. Cruise was a little over the top with his acting in most of this. Kind of relying too much on being slick. He does have his moments though. I especially liked his conversation with Sam when he was drunk reminiscing about his father. I just don't think Cruise's acting style mixes too well with a Sorkin script.