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Submit your characters the comments and I'll draw lots next week !

You can submit one character per slot, you can use multiple slots for the same character.

- VIP level has the right to 1 slot

- King level has 3 slots

- Queen level has 5 slots

1st Live Draw ! (Winner Nagatoro) 🧡

2nd Live Draw ! (Winner Hermit Mio) 🩵

3rd Live Draw ! (Winner Yamato) 🤍

(You will find attached the list of requests taken into account, it's updated every 48 hours and, of course, before each draw)


Jan Willer

Charlotte Dunois from Infinite Stratos Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners Bulma from Dragon Ball


1. Sister Ivry 2. Witch Regret 3. Kleene Rutherford From Edens Zero 😍