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Here are the available options to vote on this month! If a story suggestion has the lowest vote two times in a row, it will enter the “Boneyards”.

The “Boneyards” stories will not be abandoned, but kept on the back queue to allow newer ideas to come up top. Once another idea is finished, boneyard story ideas can be resurrected.

If a story idea is sent to the “Boneyards” 2 times it will not come back.

If you’re a Side Story tier Patron you can always pitch ideas in the #sidestories channel on the Discord! And if you have an idea for a story, but want to workshop it, feel free to workshop it in the #brainstorm channel on the Discord. Your idea should aim to be 3 or 4 parts long (24-32 pages). It’s not guaranteed that all ideas will be chosen for a vote in the Side Story poll, but all ideas for stories are welcome!

BUT, if you want to jump to the front of the line you can join the Goddess Tier. The Goddess Tier places get your idea into the queue in the next available spot (side stories are on a slight delay, so if you take the Goddess Tier at the start of August your side story would appear as the October comic. There would be no side story vote in August). There are only 2 Goddess Tier comics left for the year!

Anthology Swap (Part 2 of 3) - The Curatory continues her journey to collect items of power that are appearing in random locations. Can the Curator stop their activation before they unleash chaos? What is causing the appearance of these items? Vote to find out!

Operation: Black Swan (Part 2) - The swapped agent is deep undercover! Finding himself in the field will the swapped agent be able to adapt, and use his new assets to pull off his undercover mission?

Triple Threat (Goddess Tier Continuation, Part 2 of 3) - Two parts of one whole put their heads together, for as long as they can contain themselves, to figure out what is going on!

Dr. Cummings: Working Out -  Dr. Cummings continues to test her limits and get in touch with her new form.


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