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Apologies for the lack of Vault Spotlights, but here's one(or two) I wanted to highlight: Miu Swap.

This is using the characters from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, and yes, it is the same script done by two different artists.  I'll have to explain this.  Sometimes, when I commission comics for private consumption, there is a delay with the first artist or even large amounts of time without communication.  I get frustrated if the gap in time is long enough and I figure the commission is lost and move to another artist. 

Sometimes, the artist communicates again later with a finished piece.  So, with that explained, here it is, Miu Swap, version 1 by Neko Rulez and version 2 by Walker!  

It's great to see how two artists can interpret the same script.  You can also see this sort of reinterpretation with Lady Valiant herself in the $15 tier and looking at the Walker version of LV before release!



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