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There are things I can do better, and I am trying to do them better. I have been very happy when LV got to the point of self sustainability, but at times the donations have dipped beneath that threshold.

I know the lateness of Sidestory 2 has also hurt, but maybe I haven't been engaging with my patrons well enough. What can we do to improve? Should I lower the reward tiers again? How can I get you all to re-engage?


John Doe

As much as it pains me to say this, the thing about fixing problems is that it generally goes in 4 stages. First you admit you have an issue (in this case the somewhat slow pace from the autumn to about now), then you figure out what to do about it (which you seem to have done based on the latest previews), after that you actually do the changes (i.e the previews materalize as actual pages) and only then do you start to see a payoff.


Unfortunately, or fortunately, we have a page buffer that means pivots are hard to be immediate

John Doe

Other than that you may want to consider having content on other sites like deviantart and engaging people on these sites. Telling people to stop reposting stuff that isn't patreon exclusive on other sites may be what your gut tells you, but I do think the extra exposure does actually help. I for example got to know about this comic on another site where the comic got re-posted before you showed up and (politely) asked them to stop (and they did).


I am ok with some reposts and actually wish there was some more of it. The artist is the one that made the polite request. I know you can't stop it so might as well direct it, right?