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“Quite honestly, Sir, I think both Henderson and I were thankful to be alive.” The young solder explained his superior, “The device that hit us...well, we expected it to be something that would disintegrate us. It was just like this giant laser thing. But it just bathed us in this weird light; when we woke up we were back at camps. And now I can’t help but notice...things, Sir.”

“Things, Soldier? Elaborate.”

“Well, I was just at the barber three days ago, and yet...look at my hair! My face is not only clear of blemishes, but it looks like I’m wearing perfect makeup. In addition, my thoughts are decidedly more feminine and much more nonviolent. And, well, the weirdest part of this all was when...well...it fell off in the shower, Sir.”


“My p*nis, Sir,” The soldier whispered before resuming his normal voice, “I think I’m becoming a woman. Both in body and in mind. It’s happening slowly, but I think that weapon is responsible.”

“We think you may be right soldier. But you’re actually holding up much better than Henderson. I don’t think there ain’t no goddamn ounce of man left in him. We got him locked up and his trying to pole dance on the jail bars, sharing makeup tips with any female guards, and flirting with the male ones. Consider yourself lucky; you don’t seem too far gone, and you at least seem to be able to control yourself.”



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