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“Jesus Christ, Mandy, what the hell is wrong with you today?” Keith asked his co-worker, “You forgot to prepare the coffee this morning, you screwed up the conference call transfer, and now it’s like you can barely walk on your own heels. I hope you plan on giving Mr. Jenkins with the best blowjob of your life, because I’m sure you’ll be fired otherwise.”

The truth was that she wasn’t at her best today because she technically wasn’t Mandy at all! Luke had swapped bodies with his neighbor, Mandy, last night. They had both agreed to try to pretend to be each other as best as possible, promising not to screw anything up, but Luke was having a terrible time doing Mandy’s job. He hated wearing short skirts, and he absolutely couldn’t walk in heels! He didn’t know he had to prepared coffee, and he had no idea how to operate phones. But the sexual harassment stuff? He thought he was prepared.

“You’re joking, right?” He asked in response to Keith, “Because I can report you to HR so fast...”

“Me? Report me for what?” Keith laughed, “I’m not saying anything you haven’t come to me crying about a thousand times! I know you don’t like it, but Sheila in HR is his sister. You know that! You’re more afraid of her than you are of him! What is wrong with you today? It’s like I have to explain who you are to yourself! Maybe this place is finally getting to you.”

Luke was beginning to think he was screwing this up. And he was also starting to think that maybe Mandy had something to do with this body swap just to get out of such a terrible situation.



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