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Peter knew he should’ve gotten his wisdom teeth removed years ago, but he had to put it off until he had good enough dental insurance. He was 30 by the time he was able; he was pretty sure his dentist was younger than he was. He had a bit of a crush on her, but he’d certainly never tell.

The process that day started with him getting some drugs to be passed out and numb while they removed the teeth. While under, he had the most amazing hallucination; he dreamt he was inside the body of his own dentist. Figuring it was all in his head, he stripped down to his underwear and started dancing and twerking to the elevator music being played in the office. He laughed, expecting to wake back up in the chair any second now.

His body did wake up, but Peter wasn’t the one inside. His dentist now occupied his body, and when she saw her own body dancing half-naked in the office, she screamed.

“What the hell are you doing?” She demanded to know.

Peter stammered, “I...I thought it was a dream. This...this is...this is real? I’m actually...holy shit...”



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