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Brandon had been put in one of the more awkward situations as a result of the Great Shift. While he was one of many men who found themselves in the body of a woman, he was one of only a few who found themselves with no clothes.

He seemed to be an alleyway, which made the situation even weirder, and he couldn’t find any clothes around. In an attempt to cover up, he ripped open a garbage bag and wore it like a poncho. It sank, but at least he was covered.

As he ran back to his own apartment, he heard people on the street talk about swapping bodies, so at least he learned he wasn’t the only one in the wrong body. Still, he presumed his situation had been particularly unique due to the circumstances surrounding it. He had no clues to lead back to the identity of this new body, but did he really want to know? Whatever happened to her to end up in the situation she was in when Brandon swapped into her couldn’t have been good; maybe it was better the less he knew...



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